linux kernel summit

I will have a talk at the Linux Kernel Summit 2022

I will present current status and future plans for DAMON in KernelSummit'22. The title of the talk is “Current Status and Future Plans of DAMON”.

I will have a talk at the Linux Kernel Summit 2021

I will present DAMON/DAMOS in KernelSummit'21. The title of the talk is “Writing a fine-grained access pattern-oriented lightweight kernel module using DAMON/DAMOS in 10 minutes”.

I will have a talk at the Linux Kernel Summit 2020

My talk proposal to the Linux Kernel Summit of this year which is co-located with the Linux Plumbers Conference has accepted! Hope to (virtually) see you there. The title of the talk is, “DAMON: Data Access Monitoring Framework for Fun and Memory Management Optimizations”.

I will have a talk at the Linux Kernel Summit 2019

My talk proposal to the Linux Kernel Summit of this year which is co-located with the Linux Plumbers has accepted! Hope to see you in Lisbon. The title of the talk is, “Tracing Data Access Pattern with Bounded Overhead and Best-effort Accuracy”.