LKML News v5.10-rc6
[PATCH v2] mm: memcontrol: account pagetables per node (Shakeel Butt)
This commit allows user to account memory size used for page tables per node.
[PATCH 0/2] userspace memory reaping using process_madvise (Suren Baghdasaryan)
This commit allows user-space driven OOM reaping using
[PATCH -V6 0/3] autonuma: Migrate on fault among multiple bound nodes (Huang Ying)
The 6th version for autonuma migration among multiple bound nodes. In this version, more benchmark data and example is added.
Linux 5.10-rc6 (Linus Torvalds)
Fortunately, it becomes calming. Torvalds says he surprised by sudden increase of the number of pull requests in last Friday, but things are normal overall. So we could expect the v5.10 to be released in the supposed schedule.
Below is the diffstat of the releases in the last two years.
Note that the y-axis is in logarithm. I draw it using and using below command:
$ --since 2018-11-30 | ~/lazybox/gnuplot/ \
--data_fmt table --type labeled-lines --xtics_rotate -90 \
--font "Times New Roman, 5pt" --ylog --pointsize 0.3
And, below is the diffstat of the -rc5 releases in the last two years.