LKML News v5.13-rc2

[RESEND] LSF/MM/BPF: 2021: Call for Proposals (Josef Bacik)

CFG for LSF/MM/BPF 2021 posted. It will be held from 2021-12-06 to 2021-12-08 in Palm Springs, California. As of now, it is supposed to be an in-person conference!

[LSF/MM/BPF TOPIC] Memory folios (Matthew Wilcox)

Matthew expects the memory folios patchset will be merged soon, but he wants to discuss about it in the LSFMM, if there are something to discuss more.

[PATCH] mm/lru: Add folio LRU functions (Matthew Wilcox)

This patch makes LRU code to use the page folio interface. Owing to the reduced head/tail pages handling code, about 800 bytes of kernel text saved.

Linux 5.13-rc2 (Linus Torvalds)

Second release candidate for the 5.13 released. Unlike the rc1, which was bigger than usual, this release is smaller than average, but still seems it’s only in noise.

Below is the diffstat of the releases in the last two years.

Kernel release stat

Note that the y-axis is in logarithm. I draw it using and using below command:

$ --since 2019-05-17 | ~/lazybox/gnuplot/ \
    --data_fmt table --type labeled-lines --xtics_rotate -90 \
    --font "Times New Roman, 5pt" --ylog --pointsize 0.3

And, below is the diffstat of the -rc2 releases in the last two years.

rc2 release stat

SeongJae Park
Kernel / Hypervisor Engineer

SeongJae Park is a programmer who loves to analyze and develop systems.
